What a beautiful day it was today! G was off of work, so he let me sleep in! Yay!! What a great hubby to get up early with little J and take care of all his morning needs! I love G's days off, because he always wants to take care of little J in the morning for me. After sleeping in a little, I did have some not so fun errends to run. Had to pick up a blood test order slip from my OB's office, and then drop off another form at J's pediatrician. Then, off to get my blood drawn! Wahoo...I just love going to the phlebotomist! Anyway, I went in, at noon, and there was one person working and like 10 people waiting to have blood drawn. I decided that I would go back later. I could tell it was gonna be quite awhile, since they were trying to take blood from a sweet little baby and not having the best of luck. Finally went back in around 4:30, now there were only 5 people waiting. Anyway, before I continue, I've got to add my gripe of the day right here:
When you go into a medical office for services, and they tell you that they are not a authorized provider for your insurance carrier, why must you hold up the rest of us who are in the right place and argue the point?
Okay, so anyway, it took awhile for me to get the blood draw done, because strangely enough they had never heard of the test that they were ordering for me. I told the guy that it was okay, since I'd only heard of it 3 weeks ago! They finally found the code for my obscure little test, and I was on my way.
So, what does a girl want after giving her blood and anxiously awaiting the results...yep, she wants to not have to cook dinner, and wants a margarita!
G took little J and I to Chili's for dinner. Yummy, and so close to our house....love not going to far from home. So, I order my margarita and we have our dinner, and oh my! I think I need another margarita! Yep, I had two margaritas! Since I don't drink very often, and even though I ate a big meal, I was a loopy girl after those two margaritas!
I want to thank all of you how have sent me emails and posted comments on my blog, that I really appreciate all your good wishies, prayers and support of little J, G and myself. It really means a lot.