
Tuesday, November 21, 2006


I have so much to be gratful for!

I am grateful for my wonderful amazing husband G. I really am very lucky to have fell in love with and married such a wonderful man. He really is my prince charming.

I am grateful for the beautiful blessing of our wonderful son little J. Things have been crazy with his diagnosis, but he is such a wonderful gift from God.

I am grateful for our new little one on the way. I am so thankful that God is blessing us with another beautiful baby! I can't wait to meet her!

I am grateful for the results of our amnio being positive and that all appears to be healthy with our new little one on the way.

I am grateful for the love and support of my family. I know that I can always count on them in a pinch for whatever I need.

I am grateful for the great friends I have! You know who you are!! I love you guys so much and am so thankful that you have been so supportive of me with everything that has gone on over the last year. I am so thankful for all the time I get to spend with you and love all of our fun times!!

I am grateful for all of the daily blessing we have. A roof over our head, food on the table and the ability to take care of emergencies and to help others.

Most of all, I am thankful to God for all of these blessings!


Anonymous said...

hey girlie! what a beautiful post:) it reminds me to create a list this year, too. i have so much to be thankful for, and this year, that includes meeting and getting to know you!

i'm so excited for your soon to be family of four.

happy thanksgiving girl!

Rebecca said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Isn't it wonderful to look around at all we have and be able to give thanks.

have a great day :)

Krista Lund said...

happy tg laurie! happy to hear the amnio went well :)

Kent said...

Missed you at the garage meeting the other day. Hope to see you at the gift exchange next Saturday! You can share your evil empress ways with us - it could be an upcoming class and we can all scrap about it. :-P