Well, it looks like I'm making a valiant attempt to meet some of my New Years resolutions. I promised to scrap more, and it's only the 5th day of the 2006 and I've scrapped 3 pages. I have not spent any money on scrap supplies this year yet (I'm not counting photo developing or adhesive in my spending challenge). Most importantly though, I am using my stash! Here's to continued success! Ooops, I guess I should mention, that I resolved to give up soda, but that has proved to be a more daunting task that I had first anticipated. They came out with this new version of Coke, it is Black Cherry and Vanilla Coke. It is YUMMY! I had to try it, and now I just want more! Ugh!
I'm lovin this page Missy! Keep on Scrappin! Ha that should be our motto...you know like the old 70's "Keep on Truckin"! That would be cool, we should get tee shirts and hats made and then put them in our siggys!
Can you tell I'm high off of caffine????
Love ya!
wow! you have inspired me. maybe i can start scrappin' again...need to clean up my area first so i can find things...great layouts! hope you share more!
awww...this is sooo cute!!! i love the pink with the b/w photo!
love your LO!! oh no that new coke sounds yummy..must resist ;)
BTW-if you want the recipe for my coconut cake go to my recipe site at http://bakingmelissa.blogspot.com/ :)
Great page! I too resolved to scrap more. 2 LOs so far...
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