Today was the first full day of treatments for Little J. I just can't believe this little one! Every 4 hours, we get everything set up for his treatment, then I sit him on my lap, and this kid grabs the mouthpiece himself and puts it in his mouth. Then, shockingly, he sits there so patiently for the 10 minutes of treatment! He is such an angel! I'm so sad that he is so sick. It just breaks my heart, to hear him cough so harshly. They say that it is about a 2 to 3 day course in which it gets a bit worse and then better. I'm hoping that we are now on the upswing. Last night was really rough. We gave him his last treatment, and he went to bed fine. Since his doctor had said to give him the treatment every 4 hours as needed for coughing, we decided that we would let him sleep as long as possible, and give him a treatment during the night if he woke up for it. He slept until 4am. We gave him a treatment when he woke up coughing like crazy at this time. Afterwards, he was up and at 'em. He just wanted to play! DH got up and let me go back to sleep for a bit(so sweet!). Little J stayed awake until 10 am. Then he fell asleep on the sofa with Daddy. He slept for a good 2 hours in his "napping chair". After that, it was game on again! He played and was non stop happy, and we gave him his treatment every 4 hours. We'll see what this evening holds, but I must admit, that I'm worried. I have a feeling it's going to be a sleepless night for me. He's sleeping pretty soundly right now, he wakes up every so often to cough and seems to be falling back to sleep right away.....I'm really praying that he heals very soon.
By the way, I know I have a couple of tags and challenges to answer, and I promise I will get those done soon!
I'm so sorry to hear Laurie! It's terrible when Cassandra got the mumps. I cried several times blaming myself, etc. I hope Little J get better soon. I think kids are amazing creatures that recover faster than we think. Just don't wear yourself out while you are taking care of him.
i hope the breathing treatments work and your son is back to his little self soon. My family has a history of respiratory problems including me with asthma... the worse is when kids have to go through it. i've been there with my neice. best wishes.
Oh no! I hope he gets better and lots of rest too.
awwww....how sweet is he?! he is a little trooper, i hope he gets to feeling better soon!
Poor little guy. I was sick last sunday and had to have breathing treatments as well I know what he's going through, but at that age it breaks your heart to see. I hope he's back to feeling better. He'll be in my thoughts.
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