
Wednesday, March 12, 2008

When Life Get's Crazy.....

Take some photos and forget about the craziness for awhile and just have fun! Princess J is such a HAM! Little J is still under the weather and his fever still hasn't broken. Thankfully, (knock on wood) he has not had any breakthrough seizures. He's still his happy little self, but he's obviously fighting some infection, since his fever is ranging between 99.9 and at it's highest 102.5. He continues to eat and play the same, just a bit of coughing and runny nose. Tomorrow, we are going to take him to the pediatrician to just have him checked out. We are hoping for a speedy recovery, as I know he misses his fun at school...and they told me they miss him too. When you have a sick kiddo in the house, it makes your plans for the week change. We had plans to get the kids their Easter finery for photos with the Easter Bunny and then actually visiting the Easter Bunny. We, finally got to the mall today to get the clothes. Princess J loved being hammy at the mall. As we walked in, she was waving at everyone with both hands and making sure that everyone heard that she had arrived. It ws so stinkin' cute! We finally found Princess J her Easter Dress as well as a dress for her birthday at Macy's. Why do I always forget to look there in the begining. They always have such cute stuff, and a lot of times it's on sale. Little J was a little harder to shop for, since he's getting to that age, where all the boy stuff just starts to look the same and it's not all that unique. We finally found him a cute big boy outfit at The Children's Place....along with a cute little coat to go with Princess J's birthday dress. I can't wait to get the photos done now!!!! I have to say, that today while we were shopping, the staff at the Children's Place was ON FIRE with their awesome customer service...and they were super friendly. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

On another note, why didn't I think of this? The Miche Bag....what a brilliant idea!!! Can't wait to start using it and switching up the look!


Anonymous said...

she is just beautiful girl!

Krista Lund said...

you've been tagged.
check out my blog:

Kent said...

She is gowing too fast and getting cuter and cuter!! You are one lucky mom with your two little ones!