I cannot believe that this little girl is almost a one year old! It still seems like yesterday that she made her arrival. She is such a joy to have around....even with her sassy little attitude. She is doing so many things and trying new things everyday. She just amazes us. Currently her newest thing is standing up on her own without holding on. She is so proud of herself and even claps for herself. It is so stinkin' cute! Her favorite thing is to play peek-a-boo. She will pull that blanket up over her head and pull it down laughing excitedly the entire time. I think if given the opportunity, she would do it all day and night!
Grandpa and Grandma have been here for a couple of weeks now and Princess J is getting a little bit of spoiling from them.....she loves sitting and watching tv with Grandpa....he's a good cushion! Little J loves having Grandpa in the back seat with him. Whenever we go shopping, Grandpa and Little J sit in the car and nap together.
Princess J and I joined a new mommy meetup group. Last week, they had a meet at our local park, so we headed down to explore the park! Princess J loved every minute of it!!! This was really her first time to explore the park and get dirty. Since Little J is in school, it's a little easier to get out for a little while with her and let her do some exploring. It looks like they have a lot of great meetups planned, so hopefully we can work a few more into our schedule.
The first time she was on the swing, she tolerated it for a few minutes and then made it clear she wanted off. I let her play in the sand and crawl around and then she was ready for another go at the swing. This time she laughed her self silly with the wind in her face.
It's so nice that the weather is making weekends a fun time to be outdoors lately. Today was so beautiful, that before the kids and I headed out the door, I had to plop them on the grass and try to get a couple of shots of them together. You know how it goes with kids, when one smiles, the other looks away or closes their eyes. I love this one of Little J trying to pull Princess J's bow off of her head. She had just gotten done taking it off and mommy putting it back on. Just as soon as I walked away, Little J decided to try and help her cause and pull it off himself.
You may have noticed a firstgiving button on the side of my blog. This is another fundraising activity that we will be participating in to raise funds for the Angelman Syndrome Foundation. We will be walking in the walk-a-thon on May 17th in Sacramento. I'll put more information up as it gets closer. In the meantime, if you'd like to donate, we would greatly appreciate the support. If you would like to participate and walk with our team, we would love that as well!
1 comment:
she is getting so big!
katelyn has that panda sweater, too :)
princess j's hairbows are adorable! where did you get them?
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