Labor Day had many things on our "To Do" list. Since G was off, we took advantage of that and double teamed the kiddos. Daddy stayed home with Little J and Princess J and I headed out to get some things done! First stop, Old Navy. Had to check out their weekend sale to see if there were any "must haves". Since Little J will be starting school in December, we are hitting up the sales looking for winter clothes for him. Well, what Little J doesn't know, is that somehow his little sister ended up with the few pieces of sale items at this stop. Just a couple of onsies that I couldn't resist. I'm sure you'll see a mini fashion photo shoot as winter closes in and these clothes fit her. Next stop, Target! gathering the usual toddler food, diapers, formula and some cleaning supplies. While wondering through the baby section, we found this pink Bumbo! chair. I'd been talking with G about getting one for her, because she loves to be sitting upright. She wants to be able to keep her little eyes peeled on everyone and everything. While we were in the aisle, I pulled the chair out of the box, pulled her out of her car seat and plopped her in. She immediately started smiling and giggling! Loved it! She was so happy in it, that another lady ended up buying one for her grandbaby who is about the same age. Do you think that Princess J can get a referral payment for that sale? Anyway, we couldn't wait to get home and show daddy her new little chair. Last stop, Safeway for the weekly grocery shopping. I don't know what I was thinking! The place was packed like I had never seen it before! Oh My! I thought that everyone would be out relaxing and skipping their chores for the day. According to those in line with me, they thought the same thing! LOL! Nonetheless, the chores are done, and now we can try and cruise through the rest of it.
You'll notice in the photo that Princess J is still wearing her baby mittens. She still has the reoccuring rash on her face and is a good little itcher. We've cut and filed her nails, but she still finds a way to come out looking like she was in a cat fight. Thankfully, I think we are starting to get this rash under control without any serious medications. Just a little hydrocortisone. When it flares up, the 1% ointment seems to do the trick.
I still cannot believe that she is almost 6 months old now. It really seems like I just brought her home from the hospital yesterday.....well it feels like I just brought Little J home from the hospital yesterday too.....and he is huge! Not huge in the overweight sense, but just getting to be a big boy now.
Things change daily around here now that Princess J is growing so quickly. She is finally sleeping in her own room consistently for 5 to 6 hour stretches! She still gets to sleep on her tummy with mommy while all the prime time shows are on, but I know this practice is fleeting too. Soon, she won't want that anymore either! She really wants to be on the move. This little girl is a roller! For those of you who are familiar with our downstairs area (it's huge), this girl can roll from one end to the other so fast your head would spin! I think she's trying to skip crawling though and go straight for walking. When she's laying on her tummy, she loves to plant her feet and put her tiny little bottom in the air with her legs full straightened. Tough thing is, she hasn't quite gotten her upper torso off the ground yet. I must get a picture of her doing this soon. It's so stinkin' cute, but I can tell she's frustrated, so it won't be long before she figures it out.
Time to try and get some much needed sleep!
look at her, 6 months already! i know we just were talking about all this, but omg!!!
and love those bumbo chairs! mari just outgrew hers! we passed it onto our cousin, otherwise we would have given hers to you!
OMG She is so cute!!! I never heard of teh bumpo chairs. I don't think that was around when my kids were babies. OMG I feel old. LOL
She's so super cute with the Bumbo! Jonah loves his but he loves to slouch to one side to pick up stuff on the floor! I can't get him to sit still! *lol*
Love those little chairs -- thinking of getting my sister in law one for her baby shower
Your little one looks ADORABLE in it :D
6 months already??? man, where does the time go? she is a doll! i can't wait for our 2 princesses to meet!
Bumbo chairs? What are these litte chairs you speak of and why do I think I need to buy one for my two month old niece???
my little niece loves her Bumbo chair! wow! 6 months old already! :)
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