Sadly, I did not pay much attention to American Idol this year. It just didn't fit into my schedule since I was already hooked on Dancing With the Stars. I didn't have enough room on the DVR, much less the time to go back and watch it. I did watch tonights finale though. Tonights finale had a little special meaning too. Did you hear the last song the new American Idol sang "Time of My Life" as they rolled the credits? That song was written by Reggie Ham. Reggie Ham is a dad to a little girl with Angelman Syndrome. They adopted their daughter from China and their story is amazing! I had heard small clips of the song when it was on the AI website for voting, but hearing the whole thing....WOW! What a great song and a well deserved win for Reggie! Can't wait for it to be available for download! Anyway, here is a link to the article in USA Today about Reggie Ham's win! It doesn't go into much detail about their adoption or diagnosis story, but he's shared it on a parent list I belong to and it's amazing! He really deserves all the success that comes from this......Now, as soon as you can....DOWNLOAD THE SONG!!!
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