Saturday moring was the annual Rowell Ranch Rodeo Parade. This is a great parade for little ones! Lots of up close seats so they can all see the action. Last year Princess J was only 2 months old, so she really just slept through most of it. This year, she was having a grand old time! We got there pretty early to make sure we got some good spots where Little J could listen to the band beforehand. He loves to dance to the music! We were there probably an hour before the parade actually started, so we got a good parking spot within walking distance to Starbucks to Mommy could get her morning fix! Little J loved watching the police and firetrucks as well as the local high school bands. He also LOVED the Raider Fans! They were all dressed up in their "Black Hole" gear and Little J was just cracking up as they walked by. A few of them stopped to chat with him and he was full of smiles! Princess J loved waiving her American Flags! Everytime a group of Vetrans, soldiers or other military affiliated group went by our crowd cheered and I told Princess J to waive her Flags and she waved both of them and gave out big smiles! She loved the horses, the mariachi and banda bands as well as the marching bands! The last photo here cracks me up, because while we were waiting for the parade to start, we called daddy on the phone because he had to work. She heard the phone ring and handed it to me (since I put it next to her in her stroller seat). When I was done, I handed it to her and she tried dialing some numbers.
So, here is a hint to my cryptic message the other day:
I got a new......... and G got a new............
and I got a new.........
and I'm getting a...........
and I'm getting a.................
tell us!!!
ya big tease!!!
we were going to take katelyn, but things came up and we didn't make it :(
glad you had a good time!
Still waiting.....
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