
Friday, October 03, 2008

A Week in the Life....or Maybe Two (cont..)

So, today we headed out the door to take Little J to school. We even followed Daddy down the street! Yay Daddy! About half way to school, I realized that we left Little J's lunch at home. So, we dropped him off and headed back home to picj up the lunch! Princess J was so helpful! She carried Little J's lunch to the classroom. When we got to the door, I put her down and she ran inside with it! I told her to go give it to brother, but she took off with it and went and put it down in front of the refrigerator. Then she went over to brother to say hi. Then she took off looking for all the toys in the classroom. She was not very happy when it was time for us to leave! :D
We headed out to run some errends at the local mall. Princess J was all about grabbing everything in sight! She was a handful! We stopped at Starbucks for a treat for mommy and some Madeline cookies for Princess! She was loving them!
On our way out, we stopped in the Pottery Barn Kids store. They had lots of cute Halloween costumes and decorations, but Princess J was busy checking out the Frog Prince! It was so cute!
My favorite photo of the day though has to be this one I caught of Princess J and Little J holding hands from their carseats. They do this all the time and it is so stinkin' cute! I'm glad I finally got it on the camera!


island jen said...

i love how you include the's like you're my long lost!!

the kids are getting soo big girl!!

Kent said...

That is great that you are doing this project. Love the one of the kids holding hands in the car and the one of your hubby on the motorcycle.