Happy Halloween! Although everyone in the house is sick (except Little J so far) we had a pretty good Halloween! Little J did most of his celebrating on Thursday. He got to dress up for school and they took them trick-or-treating at the school district offices. They had a cool little party with cupcakes. He had a great time and was taking a nap within 20 minutes of coming home! :D
We went shopping for a new costume for Little J, but were unsuccessful. Since Little J still really doesn't understand the concept of Halloween, I try to make it fun for him by dressing him up in a character that he'll recognize. Pablo was his favorite last year, and still is today. since I couldn't find his other favorite Curious George in time, I pulled out Pablo (for those of you unfamiliar with cartoons geared to pre-schoolers, Pablo is a character on The Backyardigans) and Little J was beyond ecstatic, so call it going green, call in recycling, Pablo made his return! Yay Pablo!
Princess J still doesn't totally get the concept of Halloween, but she is well on her way. We started out the morning after dropping Little J off at school by going by G's office to drop off some cupcakes and let Princess J show off her pumpkin costume. Here again we went green or recycled a costume. Last year, I was totally looking for this costume for her very first Halloween, but Gymboree was totally out within 2 days of putting it out in their stores. My friend Erin passed down her daughter Mari's costume! Thanks Erin! Since it was cold, we added a black turtle neck and picked up the tights that Gymboree came out with for the costume this year. So cute! I was shocked that Princess J was willing to keep the headband on, since lately she hasn't been a fan of hats or headbands. She was not willing to keep the pumpkin shoes on that came with the costume, so we let her wear her sparkly silver ones.
We went to a couple of neighbors houses, but mostly stayed home to answer our own trick-or treaters. Princess J loved opening the door to all the fun little ones in their costumes. She was a little cranky until the doorbell started ringing. Then whenever she'd see other kiddos all dressed up she was all smiles. She's quick to close the door when she's done checking them out though!
She did a little reading before the trick-or-treaters started showing up too. She loves to sit and look at books and turn the pages! Maybe she'll be a reader like Mommy!
At one of the neighbors, Princess J picked up a Hershey Bar. When we came home to wait for more trick-or-treaters, I put her in her play pen and forgot about the candy bar. G asked me what she was eating, I figured she was chewing on a piece of her costume. This photo is what we walked into. The Hershey bar was everywhere. All over her hands, face, costume and playpen! Now, you might ask how she got the candy out of the wrapper? She just stuck the whole thing, wrapper and all in her mouth and let it melt melt melt! What a smart little cookie!
The kids looked so adorable! :) Sounded like a great Halloween!
We seriously need to schedule a playdate! SERIOUSLY. :)
Miss ya.
AW! I love that lil punkin' costume from Gymboree! And Pablo! We love Pablo!!
LOVE the pumpkin costume!!! SOOOOOO cute! Pablo is pretty adorable himself! :)
Oh how cute she is in that pumpkin costume! And of course Little J just has a wonderful smile in his cute little costume.
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